HistoryChushkarcheto is a family company owned by the inheritors of generations of carpet-weavers and has been founded in 1998 in the town of Chiprovtsi. The main objective of the company-manufacturer is to present the Chiprovtsi carpets in new light – adequate to the up-to-date requirements of the market product, which is tailored to the specific needs of the client. Besides the classic models of carpets, a team of architects and designers develops new ones in line with the contemporary trends in interior design. In the store we offer not only our production of Chiprovtsi carpets. You can find there also machine-made, woolen and polypropylene ones as well as all designer carpets offered by “Carpet house” chain. Our clients
English-American School, Sofia; World Bank; International Monetary Fund; Embassy of Spain; Embassy of Great Britain; Embassy of Nederland; Embassy of Serbia; Embassy of USA; Embassy of Portugal; Bulgarian National Bank; Council of Ministers; Bulgarian State Railways; hotel “Sheraton”, Sofia; hotel “Magnoliite”, Primorsko; hotel “Flamingo”, Albena, etc. Participation in exhibitions“Stroiko 2000” – annually; “Impression” – Plovdiv – European cultural capital 1999; Art Handicrafts Exhibition in Oreshak village – Second award and Diploma, 2000; Trans Boundary Cooperation Project – Pirot, Serbia, 2003; International Folk Crafts Fair – Archeological Ethnographic Complex “Etar”, Gabrovo, 2005; Christmas Bazaar in Munich. Germany, 2006; European Crafts Festival in Longo, France, 2007 under the auspices of Ministry of Culture; DOMOTEX 2009 Hannover, Germany Team President: Velika Stoeva, generation of carpet-weavers; 1998 Master in Economics, University of World and National Economy, Sofia;
Vice-President: Miroslav Stoev, 1992 Diploma in Engineering, University of Forestry Sofia;
Designers: Йоана Чушкарева
 Създайте Визитката си"> arch. Joanna Petkova-Chushkareva generation of carpet-weavers; 2003 Master in Architecture, University of Architecture, Construction and Geodesics, Sofia; 2003 Award for best diploma project in Department “Interior and Design in Architecture”; 2004 First Award in section Tourism Buildings “Archidea” in cooperation with prof. arch. Evlogi Tsvetkov, arch. Iskren Galev and arch. Hristo Petkov; 2004-2008 works in architectural studio of arch. Lubomir Semerdgiev: participation in the reconstruction of the Judicial Palace, Sofia; holiday village “St. Nikola”, Chernomorets, holiday complex in Pomorie; single- and twin family houses in Bulgaria; Georgieva, Galia Velikova 1981 г. Graduated from the HSAA, Kotel, Bulgaria; 1991 г. Graduated from the NAFA Textile Department in the Prof. Vassil Ovcharov`s class; 1991 г. Member “Group `91”; 1995 г. Member of the UBA; 1997 г. Member of the ETN; 2000 г. Cofounder and member of “Group `91” Foundation 2001 г. NRE,”Textile Art in Bulgaria”; 2001 г. TE in “Raum fuer Kunst” Gallery, Altstatten, Switzerland; 2001 г. TE in “Chrita” Gallery, Sofia; 1999,`98,`92 Spring Salon, Sofia; 1999,`98,`92 Autumn Salon, Sofia; 1999 г. Exhibition “Insomnia in Blue” in “The Stairs” Gallery, Sofia; 1998 г. Exhibition “Silk Painting”, Sofia; 1997г. TE “Silk Games” in Cologne University, Garmany; 1996 г. TE “The Screen” in Polish Cultural Institute, Sofia; 1995 г. TE in the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”; 1994 г. TEs in the “Studio Spectrum” Gallery , Sofia; 1994 г. TE in the National Museum of the Boyana Church, Sofia; 1992 г. TE with the group “Texart”, “Shipka” 6 Gallery, Sofia; 1985 г. 7th NEYA, “Shipka” 6 Gallery, Sofia; Kirkova,
Maria Tzanova Kirkova 1980 г. Graduated from the NAFA Textile Department in the Prof. Marin Vurbanov`s class, 2001 NRE, “Textile Art in Bulgaria” 1996 Cite International des Arts, Paris; 1994 International Plain-air on painting, Cyrpus; 1993-1991 г. Participation in Autumn Salon, Paris; 1993 2nd ITT, Tournais, Belgium; 1992 “Saint Cloud” Museum, Paris; 1991 GE, Cite International des Arts, Paris; 1991 “Texart” Group, Sofia; 1990 “Texart” Group, Stockholm; 1989 SE, Sofia; 1988 1st prize for textile at the 8th NE, Sofia; 1985 Plain-air on textile, Riga, Latvia; 1980-1995 Participation in Exhibitions at “Shipka” 6 Gallery, Sofia; Museum of Decorative Arts, Yambol, Bulgaria; Representative expositions in Poland, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Kuwait, Germany, Russia, USA.
Workshop Master: Jordanka Josifova-Chushkareva, generation of carpet-weavers; 1971 mathematician, “Paisii Hilendarski” School, Plovdiv
Accountant: Ivan Petkov-Chushkarev, generation of carpet-weavers, 1971 economist, Economy Academy “Dimiter Tsenov”, Svishtov.